Nature Happenings: SEPTEMBER

  • Baltimore Orioles depart for Central and South America this month.
  • Common Garter Snake can bear dozens of live young in late summer/early fall.
  • Bats are busy feeding, building fat for hibernation and migration.
  • Blackbird (grackles, cowbirds and redwings) flocks can number in the thousands.
  • Fall migration peaks for warblers and others.
  • Monarch migration starts.
  • Peak of Blue-winged Teal migration.
  • In south Texas, Ocelots are breeding (e.g. Laguna Atascosa NWR).
  • Hummingbird numbers peak around Labor Day, then start to dwindle; huge numbers along Texas coast.
  • First flickers and kinglets can appear by the end of this month - they love suet.