Where Are All My Birds?

Missing Something? Where Are the Birds?

From time to time, you may notice a lack of birds at your feeders. It is sometimes hard to tell why we see fewer birds at our feeders, but there are a few possible explanations, including:

  • Changes in birds' seasonal movements and food preferences
  • An abundance of natural food sources; this often happens in late summer / early fall. When natural food supplies are abundant, wild birds will take advantage of these sources, often
  • To the exclusion of the foods we offer them in our feeders. Studies have shown that wild birds still rely on natural foods for about 80% of their diet when bird feeders are present.
  • Sudden extremes in weather
  • A recent loss of some area of local habitat
  • A neighbor putting out new bird feeders
  • A hawk, cat or other predator taking up residence in the neighborhood
  • Problems with a feeder or food

The birds will return to your feeders. In the meantime, here are a few tips you might want to consider to increase the number of birds in your yard. Keep feeders clean and filled with fresh food.

  • Provide different types of bird feeders, offering a variety of foods.
  • Install multiple bird feeding stations so there are not too many feeders in one location. Birds like elbow-room, too.
  • Install a bird bath. Birds need a dependable year-round water source for drinking and bathing.
  • Birds need to feel safe when feeding. Provide protective cover, such as special plantings, hollow logs, and brush piles.
  • Offer places to raise young. With more and more destruction of the natural habitat, many birds are having trouble finding places to nest.